




Links to my sources of inspiration (draft under construction)

Core inspiration

Peter Henry Emerson’s work in East Anglia

Fay Godwin

Justyn Partyka

Hiroshi Sugimoto

Landscape 1: Beauty and the Sublime

Landscape 2: Landscape as a Journey

British Survey Movement

United States

  • Timothy O’Sullivan (1840–82) ignores pictorial conventions and is bleaker and more challenging, representing the land as alien, inhospitable and unwelcoming.
  • Lee Friedlander monograph America by Car (2010)
  • Walker Evans (1903–75) American Photographs (1938)
  • Robert Frank and Les Américains (1958)
  • Alec Soth Sleeping by the Mississippi (2004).

New Topographics

  • Robert Adams: disappearing wildernesses, pointed his camera at eerily empty streets, pristine trailer parks, rows of standardised tract houses, the steady creep of suburban development in all its regulated uniformity.
  • Lewis Baltz: stark photographs of the walls of office buildings and warehouses on industrial sites in Orange County.
  • Joe Deal
  • Frank Gohlke
  • Nicholas Nixon: innercity development: skyscrapers that dwarfed period buildings, freeways, gridded streets and the palpable unreality of certain American cities in which pedestrians seem like interlopers.
  • John Schott
  • Stephen Shore : shot in colour. It seemed to heighten the sense of detachment in his photographs of anonymous intersections and streets.
  • Henry Wessel, Jr
  • Bernd and Hilla Becher

Appropriated image



  • Brassai (1899-1984)
  • Robert Adams
  • Mark Power
  • Moriyama

Landscape 3: Landscape as Political Text

Landscape 4:

Landscape 5:

Landscape photography websites