Zemni Images Photography

This blog brings together research and resources to further develop my thinking about photography as a way to:

  • improve my own ability to see the world more clearly in all its multi-layered, complex, but often interconnected, variety
  • understand myself and my conscious and subconscious reactions and preconceptions about the world
  • experiment with alternative ways of seeing, being and relating
  • communicate my findings, feelings and perceptions in a dialogue with others to ‘make the world a better place’.

It brings together the backstories to my photographic practice since 2009 and the evolution of:

  • my understanding of photographic concepts and approaches
  • my technical skills through the failures and dead-ends as well as (I hope) things that work.
  • location research on social, environmental and activist issues that provide the context and rationale for my work
  • inspiration from other photographers, filmmakers, artists and writers that inform the approaches I develop.

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